Degree Programs

Doctor of Philosophy

Educational History and Philosophy (EHP)

Master of Arts in Education

Philosophy of Education

Bachelor of Secondary Education

Values Education

Undergraduate Programs

 In January 2020, the proposal of the Philosophy of Education Program to institute a Bachelor in Secondary Education (BSEd) Values Education was approved by the UP Board of Regents. Hence, the program now includes the undergraduate BSEd major in Values Education.

BSEd Values Education highlights the important role it plays as a key component of a holistic teacher preparation program. Values Education is a curricular area of study that seeks to equip students with critical thinking skills and other higher other competencies necessary to enable them to effectively address moral, practical, or evaluative problems in various contexts. It also sets a premium on the cultivation of intellectual values and attitudes needed in the production of a well-educated citizen and individual. Such features of the program a realigned with the scholarly and nationalistic visions of the University of the Philippines. The program aims to develop schoolteachers and researchers of Values Education who are able to actively contribute to the holistic education of the 21st century Filipino learners whose knowledge and values will like wise enable them to help build a socially just community.

Graduate Programs

The program offers a PhD in Educational History and Philosophy (EHP) and a Master’s in Philosophy of Education

The Philosophy of Education Program is primarily concerned with the analysis, reconstruction, and critical evaluation of educational concepts, principles, theories, and frameworks. As an area of study in education, it aims to develop thinkers who could help offer good answers to general pedagogical issues such as the following: (1) what education is; (2) what it takes to be an educated individual and citizen; (3) what the end of education ought to be in a socially just society; and (4) how teachers should teach.

The Philosophy of Education’s concerns, directions, and goals hence aim to respond to the current educational reforms in the Philippines as well as to global trends in education and to contribute substantially to the local and international fund of knowledge in the following areas: (1) the place of philosophy in basic and higher education; (2) ethics education; (3) values education; (4) contexts and communities of inquiry; (5) theories of knowledge and learning; (6) education for social justice; (7) diversity in education; (8) education in times of crisis; (9)democracy and pedagogy; and (10) education for transformative and sustainable futures among others.


The U.P. Philosophy of Education and Values Education Programs will offer a CERTIFICATION IN VALUES EDUCATION. This program has been approved on March 25, 2024. Please STANDBY for further announcements on application period and other details. You can find our email address in the poster.

This certification program aims to upgrade current and prospective Values Education teachers’ competencies in teaching values education, moral education and problem-solving, ethical foundation building, values clarification and analysis, community of inquiry in values education, peace education, GMRC, other similar subject matters, and teaching values in the other content areas.

JOIN US, as we work toward enhancing teaching quality and strengthening the GMRC Values Education programs in our schools.

Career Opportunities

Teaching in Basic Education and Senior High School

College and Post Graduate Teaching



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